Prayer of Confession

prayer drawingIf we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.   1 John 1:9

Say this prayer, meditate on the times you fall short, believe your sins will be forgiven, and ask God to change your heart:

God of majesty and might, I imagine the face of Moses on your mountain, shining with the radiance of your glory; I pretend that I would not look away in fear or feel relieved when he shields my eyes from the effects of your power; I imagine being commended for my courage in the face of your splendor, but I know better.

I long to be invited to like Peter, James, and John to witness Christ’s glory, but I secretly suspect that I, too, would be weighed down with sleep, or feel the need to speak when I should be listening. Test my heart, God. Call me to climb your mountain that I might face my fears and prove myself worthy of your holy calling. Amen


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