We Worship Together
Sunday worship is at the heart of Glen Reformed Church. Worship takes place in our sanctuary. The church building is the centerpiece of the Glen Historic District on the National Register of Historic Sites. Worship begins at 9:00 a.m. April through November and 11:00 a.m. December through March.
Worship services at Glen Reformed Church include hearing the Word from scripture and interpretation with application to your daily life, congregational prayer, a junior sermon, and a mix of traditional and contemporary music selections.
Our service is divided into three parts: Our Approach to God, The Word of God, and Our Response to God’s Word. A printed bulletin provides much of the text and responses, although at times printed readings are found in the back of The Hymnal, which is also used for some hymns. Some hymns are found in a contemporary songbook. Both books, along with pew Bibles are located in the pews. A special booklet contains the Order for Baptism and the Order for Holy Communion and is provided for the use on those occasions.
Choir, Lay Readers and Greeters
The participation in worship of congregation members and adherents is paramount at Glen Church. Our faithful choir leads the congregation in singing each week September through June. They also present an anthem most Sundays. Lay readers, who receive orientation and also training if desired, study and read the day’s scripture lessons during worship each Sunday. Worshippers receive a lively and warm welcome from greeter volunteers each Sunday as they arrive at the sanctuary. The only special requirement for any of these opportunities is the desire to glorify God with your service and care for your fellow worshipper. All are welcome to participate.
Children and Worship
The presence of children in worship is revered as a sign of God’s hope for our future. At Glen Church, children sit with their parents/guardians/teacher, moving to the front pew to hear the Junior Sermon. Following their group prayer, children are dismissed, along with their teachers, to Sunday School, which is held downstairs. Children and teachers return to the sanctuary during the final hymn of the day.
Older youth learn and participate in worship as acolytes. Youth in middle school and older participate in confirmation classes when the youth, their parents and the pastor deem they are ready.
Each year, generally on the second Sunday in June, Glen Reformed Church celebrates the children in the congregation with Children’s Day. During worship that day the children provide worship leadership and music.
Vacation Bible School serves children, generally geared toward the ages 5 and up, from the greater Glen area. Life lessons demonstrated in scripture, music, games and hands-on activities centered around a theme are used to teach and reinforce biblical truths and Christian values. The public is invited to a joyful closing worship service on the final evening. VBS is held mid-summer. Its success depends greatly on supportive parents and caring adults from the congregation who assist the coordinator of the program.
A Christmas program, sometimes multi-generational, is planned and presented each year one Sunday of December.