Vacation Bible School

VBS 2018


Monday-Thursday, July 16-19, 6-800 p.m.
Ages 3 & up
Bible-based learning, stories, program-based games and crafts

Closing night program for parents, siblings and participants

For more registration information, email glenreformedchurch@gmail. or visit the church’s Facebook page.


Celebrating our learning with fellowship fun on the last night of VBS 2017!


Vacation Bible School 2VBS017

“God is the Highest Power”
Monday, July 17-Friday, July 21, 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Coordinator: Sue Summerfield
Bible lessons, crafts, food, games and fun!



VBS 2016 Mission Project

Students, teachers and helpers offered their pennies, dimes, quarters, and dollar bills to the Glory of God to support this year’s VBS mission. All of those pennies, dimes, quarters and dollar bills added up – enough to purchase 4 special softballs, 1 training discus, 2 javelins, and 10 fishing poles for the team of veterans from the Stratton VA Hospital in Albany that competes in paraplegic games across the country and for the resident veterans who like to go fishing.



Monday, July 11-Friday, July 15
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
For children & youth in Pre-school through High School
Age appropriate classes

VBS 2016 Logo image

Come join the team for Jesus, learning about Christian virtues and how to walk with Jesus on the playing fields of their everyday lives. Our sports-themed program will be reinforce daily lessons with relatable sports figures and activities.

Each day will include Bible lessons to reinforce living in God’s game plan, music, group activities, games and snacks. Classes are divided into age appropriate groups – Pre-school, K-2, 3-7, and 8-12. Parent helpers are always welcome and encouraged.

Each day will include an opportunity for each child to respond to God’s love and care through an offering, which will support this year’s VBS mission project.

We encourage parents, grandparents, neighbors, and friends to join us during our last session on Friday, July 15th. We’ll conclude our week with a fun ball game on the lawn behind the church. Parents, we invite you to join a team with your child for the game. We’ll serve hot dogs, popcorn and beverages. We ask each family to being a dozen cookies packaged individually in zippy bags.

For questions or to register your children, call 922-6624.


 Vacation Bible School 2015

mission resizedA week of learning and fun blessed by God provided a great opportunity to share God’s love through a mission project. Pillows, comforters, blankets, beach towels, batteries and art supplies were collected and delivered to the Double H Ranch in Lake Luzerne.



campfire resizedNightly family campfire sings completed each day’s VBS program. Campfire food and fellowship among children, youth and adult were a testament to God’s abundant love.




by our works we show faithVBS will again this year adopt a special mission project. Our nightly offering will be used to purchase needed items for the Double H Ranch Hole in the Woods, a camp for children with life-threatening diseases like cancer, etc. They are located in Lake Luzurne, NY. The items we will buy include reversible comforters, pillows, blankets, and beach towels.

Thursday night we will have a beach party at VBS. We ask everyone to bring a beach towel for the mission project instead of a monetary donation.

We look forward to demonstrating Christ’s love through our mission project at VBS.

VBS 2015 FB header cropped


Travel to Camp Courage as we CAMP OUT WITH JESUS at Glen Church’s Vacation Bible School. Pre-register if you can so we know you are coming! Call Sue at 922-6034.